By: Tally Reynolds
Many Badgers may find the struggle of finding jobs in Ephraim or on campus intimidating, but the Career Center can help resolve those issues.
The Career Center is a resource on campus that helps connect students and employers alike. Students can learn how to create professional resumes and cover letters, as well as research careers that follow degree paths. If students are still undecided about their major, the Career Center offers career exploration through Focus2Careers to help match programs at Snow College to future careers.
Students have many options for employment resources through the Career Center. By visiting the Center or looking online, students can find employment opportunities, Badger Handshake- where students can access on campus jobs, internship opportunities, and information about Summer Sales.
Students can find interview tips to make themselves stand out throughout the interview process. From basic questions one will have to answer during the interview such as “What are strengths and weaknesses one has?”, “What skills does one have?”, and “What is one qualified to do at this point in one's career?” to more streamlined questions, “Does the resume have references?”, and “How professional ones Badger Handshake and LinkedIn accounts look.”
The Career Center offers students mock interviews to be prepared when discussing future employment interviews. Students can build confidence in interviewing and communication skills when engaging with this resource.
The Career Center Blog offers students many tips and tricks to navigate Badger Handshake, find remote positions through LinkedIn, and even how to dress professionally for interviews and jobs.
Students are encouraged to visit the Career Center, west portable by the Business Building, or contact them at 435-283-7648.