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SnowDrift Staff

Sawyer Radke

Sawyer Radke

Sawyer enjoys being head editor. He has been part of the Snowdrift staff for two years and excels in writing and reporting politics. He has a talent for writing and editing in depth articles.

Gino, Writer and Editor.

Gino, Writer and Editor.

Gino is a junior at Snow and a journalism major. He is the current editor-in-chief of the Snowdrift and is enthusiastic about leading the team.

Brynlee Green, Writer

Brynlee Green, Writer

Brynlee Green is a sophomore at Snow College and is the current head of layout. She loves learning and hopes to pursue a career in public services. She enjoys being a part of the team.

Tally Reynolds

Tally Reynolds

Tally Reynolds is a junior at Snow College pursuing a degree in sociology. She grew up with a love for reading and writing, leading her to join Snowdrift Newspaper as Head Editor. She enjoys helping others and being a part of the team.

Aspen Lang

Aspen Lang

Aspen Lang is a first year student at Snow and a member on the Snowdrift newspaper staff as a writer. She is a hard worker and enjoys the journey of pushing past comfort zones and learning from new perspectives to grow. She is excited to be part of the team

Evelyn Wilkinson

Evelyn Wilkinson

Evelyn Wilkinson is a first-year student at Snow College who has learned the basics of Newspaper layout and journalism in her first semester. She is looking to develop her communication skills further and aims to receive a Certificate of Proficiency and Communication. She hopes to learn how to and assist in posting new articles to Snow College's News website.

Sadie Williams

Sadie Williams

Sadie Williams is a sophomore at Snow College and has been on Snowdrift staff for 2 years. She loves photography and being part of a team. She is pursuing a career in psychology and enjoys helping people.

Emma Willden

Emma Willden

Emma Willden is a member of the Snowdrift Senior Staff. She is hard worker, is family oriented and has a love for writing. She has had a love for learning from a young age.

Jason Buchanan

Jason Buchanan

Jason is the head web-designer for the Snowdrift.

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