Ash Powers
In 2024, around 66% of individuals own a pet. Forbes Advisor analyzed that approximately 18% of those who make up the 66% are owners of registered emotional support animals. Merely 1% or less of the remainder are service animals that are registered.
There is verifiable evidence of people owning domesticated animals going back 12,000 years. Pets have played a significant role in society. These animals can assist in guiding the blind. Animals can help with mobility aided by pushing wheelchairs or holding someone's cane. Alerting someone they are going to have a seizure. They can also aid in the release of serotonin, which improves mood and reduces sadness. Because emotional support animals can notify people when their handler needs assistance, animals can aid with PTSD episodes.
The only animals that can be registered for physical and mental problems. are dogs and occasionally miniature horses. This is because small dogs and horses are usually more physically competent to assist someone in a wheelchair or who passes out.
Additionally, animals have been taught to provide a specific connection that people with severe autism are usually unable to have with other people. A lot of pet-related businesses advise a person to play with the animals before deciding to adopt them. This helps someone build a stronger bond with the animal and gives it the opportunity to interact with individuals from all backgrounds.
Puppy shops with their play areas and animal shelters with their "get to know you" rooms are two examples of bonding before adoption. Local shelters like Nephi Animal Shelter and Sherwood Pet Health are local places to check if you’re interested in adoption.