Every month, Badgers compete at the Bootstrap Your Business student pitch competition by pitching their business ideas in hopes of taking their ideas to the next level.
The last student pitch competition was held on February 23rd; the nightly winners were Justin Swainston from MMOBILE, Micah Vance from PEN-tastic Creations, and Carlos Barron and Kennedy Jenkins from KC Window Cleaning with John Nielsen from Incentive.
Bootstrap Your Business gives students a way to test and improve their ideas in hopes of receiving real cash funding. John Nielsen, one of February’s winners said, “I put a lot of work into beforehand, being able to figure out what I want to do and figure out what kind of plan needs to go into starting a business, and so I would 10/10 recommend [joining Bootstrap]. If you’re thinking about doing it, you should totally do it.”
On February 25th, for the first time, two Snow College teams competed at the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge competition after battling their way to the top 20. The teams were Budget Buds, a flower rental company, led by Sariah and Justin Summers, and SelMeat, a meat delivery service, led by Julia Selman.
At the UEC competition, after much hard work, Julia Selman won the $2,000 Bootstrap Award and the $500 Actium Judges Choice Award.
Russ Tanner is Director of the GRIT Center for Rural Entrepreneurship at Snow. The GRIT Center funds and runs the Bootstrap Your Business student pitch competition. “Along the way, students practice and hone entrepreneurial skills like resilience, creativity, problem-solving, communication and resourcefulness. It's open to all students from any major, so I hope more students will take advantage of what the GRIT Center has to offer,” he says.
More information about Bootstrap Your Business can be found at https://www.thegritcenter.com/