Shey Bloomfield
In a sea of students, no two are the same. Each person has their own personality, interests, and style, which they express through the way they dress. Every day, students make decisions about what to wear and how to wear it.
While individual preference guides these choices, trends often influence them as well. Some of these trends have made their mark on Snow College campus.
From a group of 20 students at Snow, certain trends stood out, while other preferences were more personal.
Eighty two percent of students reported that their favorite thing to wear was a hoodie or jacket. An easy way to beat Utah’s unpredictable weather.
Black was the most popular color, worn by sixty five percent of students, followed by blue at thirty percent.
Nike and Converse were tied at forty percent as the favored shoe brands.
Eighty percent said their typical outfit was a variation of jeans paired with a t-shirt or hoodie.
However, when asked where they shop for clothes, only twenty percent of students gave the same answer as someone else, highlighting the diversity of shopping preferences.
There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what to wear. Fashion is deeply personal, and each individual chooses clothing based on what they like. Some students prefer the comfort of sweatpants, while others enjoy dressing up.
One person may wear all black, whereas another may only wear bright colors. No matter what they choose, every outfit is an expression of self.
Just as each outfit expresses the individual, some students enjoy making an extra effort to craft their ensemble for the day.
Autumn Pipes, a sophomore at Snow College, explains, “My favorite part of choosing an outfit is choosing the story. Like, what little story am I going to tell today?” No matter what they are wearing, how someone dresses reflects a part of their identity.
A hoodie might suggest the wearer is prioritizing comfort or braving the cold, while a more formal outfit can hint that they have somewhere important to be. Uniforms can tell where a person has been or where they might be going.
This ability to communicate emotions and stories through clothing is what makes personal style so interesting.
Snow College students have found their own sense of style and wear it proudly. While some trends are common, others are unique to the individual. Each outfit is special, telling its own story about the person wearing it.
The variety of styles across campus proves that fashion is as unique as the students themselves. Whether they are wearing a simple hoodie or a more dressed-up look, students express themselves in different ways every day.
The diversity in outfits at Snow College is a reminder that everyone has their own story to tell, and often, that story is right on the surface, just waiting to be noticed.