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A Handshake With The Future


Shey Bloomfield


Everyone who has been hired for a job had to start somewhere. They needed a resume, something to put on that resume, and a job to apply for. The hard part of those requirements is finding the job. Luckily, Snow College has a solution for those trying to find jobs now and in the future. 

Many students have heard of the Handshake app or website. It is the program Snow College uses to post available on-campus jobs as well as other jobs in the community or remote positions. Badgers registered for 6 or more credits have access to an account with their Canvas login information. 

Tate Taylor, an employee for the Career Center, said that Handshake is a great app for students to use because, “It’s easy to use and it helps students find jobs close by. You will also get a faster response from employers than usual.”However, some students leave their Handshake account alone after finding a job or deciding not to work. Admin encourage everyone to keep their Handshake accounts current by updating it regularly with new jobs, volunteer work, or other resume-building experiences. Keeping a current profile can be beneficial to students for many reasons.

The main reason it is encouraged is that Handshake can help students get jobs at any point during their time at Snow, and even after. Employers are able to look on the website or app and see uploaded resumes, job experience, etc. for current students and alumni.

Lisa Laird from the Career Center at Snow says “Students should always have an up to date profile and resume. It makes it easier for employers to find and reach out to them with new opportunities. You never know when a new opportunity may come up, so it’s best to be prepared.”

Handshake reminds students that profiles matter because, “Employers use it to find [students] in searches using their major, GPA, location, and more. They might use it for evaluation so it’s another way… to stand out. Also, the algorithm needs it to show the things [students] care about.”

Keeping a current Handshake profile is important for all students, employed or otherwise. Not only can it help with job hunting in college, but it can help with employment opportunities for years to come.

Get those profiles updated, and good luck Badgers!



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