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New Latinos in Action President


This year's President for Latinos in Action is Abigail Tenorio. Abigail is the oldest of nine and the first in her family to attend college. She graduated from North Sanpete high school in Moroni, Utah. She is a freshman and is planning to major in business and a member of the business club.

Abigail says “I’m excited and nervous” she plans to do great things for the club and at the same time manage her class work. She looks forward to this semester and welcomes everyone to come and participate. Her goals for the club this semester is to create a place where anyone can come and feel connected. She encourages anyone from any cultural background to be part of the club or attend the activities made by the club. 

There will be multiple upcoming events that will be hosted by the Latinos in Action. Posters will be posted around campus and you can sign up at MySnow clubs for more information in the future. Two huge upcoming events to look forward to is the dance for Mexican Heritage Day. The next big event will be for the day of the dead.



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