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Snow College’s Day of Service


Jason Buchanan


During the weekend that led up to 9/11, students had the opportunity to participate in the day of service. Multiple service projects were held around campus and within communities. The big project that various groups were a part of was in Fountain Green. On the 18th of August, the town of Fountain Green was hit by “a large storm system brought by heavy rainfall, causing major flooding on Main street and throughout the town.” says

In response, Mayor Mark Coombs reached out to David Barker, Department Chair of Construction Management here at Snow. Barker then reached out to many of the advisors over different clubs including but not limited to, Snow Ambassadors, Student Body Officers, Utah Health Scholars, and Healthy Badger Advocates. 

These clubs were tasked with being a part of two groups: 1 was in charge of finding sandbags, used for different purposes throughout Fountain Green, and emptying them in an area near the Cemetery. Group 2 found themselves inside residents’ homes, putting insulation inside the damaged walls and sheetrock on top of those walls. 

When asked about why she volunteered for this project, Stephanie Schmolke says, “I joined to make new friends and to help the community.” With this project kicking off the school year, there is plenty to look forward to when it comes to serving in the community.



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