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  • Sandra Cox

Tips to Avoid Illness This Winter

The sick months have arrived again at Snow College. Many students and even some staff have been getting sick. Spreading sickness sets back learning and makes it hard to catch up. To help avoid the consequences of getting sick here are a few tips on staying healthy.

Tip 1: Get proper rest

According to the article How Sleep Affects Immunity from, “Sleep provides essential support to the immune system.” Sleep is the time the body has to recharge and build itself back up. Some students don’t realize depriving themselves of sleep takes a toll on their bodies.

Tip 2: Limit stress

Being stressed mentally takes its toll on the body, making it weaker. While there is no way to completely cut off stress, students can limit their stress by staying organized and on top of their work. Staying physically well—exercising, hydrating and eating a balanced diet—also reduces stress. If students need support reducing stress, the Snow College Wellness Center is an available resource.

Tip 3: Avoid the spread

It’s important to keep clean. Make sure to sanitize unclean surfaces and wash properly. Don’t hang out with people that are sick. If stuck around others who are sick, wear a mask and/or maintain some distance. If the chance comes it’s recommended to get vaccinations.

There is always a chance of students getting sick. But, following these tips will give everyone a better chance at staying healthy. If students take the time to stay healthy and strong, Snow College Campus will be able to avoid the unnecessary setbacks of the sick season.


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